Q-glide linear guide & block with PTFE bearings Lead screw, nut, & bearing sets Q-module integrated linear lead screw system
A range of extruded anodized aluminium 20x20 V-slot section  with our unique smooth  Delrin / PTFE slide-block. An extensive range of CNC sets comprising of stainless steel leadscrew, delrin nut, flange bearings and fixing nuts. Q-module provides a fast and convenient solution for linear motion, requiring only a motor and coupler to complete.
Prices from $25.19 
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Prices from $21.91 
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Prices from $42.95 
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Stainless steel lead screws & anti backlash nuts
M6/8/10 anti backlash delrin nuts 6/8/10mm bore square & oval flange bearings
A range of CNC stainless steel lead screws available with M6, M8 or M10 polished screw threads. M6, M8 and M10 Anti backlash delrin nuts with. 2 hole convenient mounting without additional bases Square and Oval Flange bearings available iwith 4 or 2 hole mounting. Bores of 6mm, 8mm and 10mm are available.
Prices from $9.25 
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Prices from $5.91 
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Prices from $4.47 
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Q-module integrated linear lead-screw system

Q-module 495/395/195 mm XYZ integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 495/495/195 mm XYZ integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 195 mm integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 295 mm integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 395 mm integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 495 mm integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Q-module 795 mm integrated linear lead-screw assembly

Size 17 motor plate for use with Q-module system - 1 set

Linear guides and slide carriages
Lightweight 200 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers

Lightweight 300 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers

Lightweight 400 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
Lightweight 200 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 3 piece set

Lightweight 200 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 2 piece set

Lightweight 300 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 3 piece set

Lightweight 300 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 2 piece set

Lightweight 400 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 3 piece set

Lightweight 400 mm linear guide & slide carriage for 3d printers - 2 piece set

unique lead screws, delrin nuts and bearings from M8 lead screw-nut-bearing sets
M8 190 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 295 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 395 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 495 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 595 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 795 mm screw-nut-bearing set

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
M8 XYZ 495/295/190 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 XYZ 395/395/190 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 XYZ 495/495/190 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M8 XYZ 595/395/190 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M6 lead screw-nut-bearing sets
M6 150 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M6 240 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M6 320 mm screw-nut-bearing set

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
M6 XYZ 240/240/150 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M6 XYZ 320/240/150 mm screw-nut-bearing set

M6 XYZ 320/320/150 mm screw-nut-bearing set

Stainless steel lead screws from M6 stainless steel lead screws & anti-backlash delrin nuts
M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
150 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
240 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
320 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
150 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
150 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
240 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
240 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
320 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

M6 stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
320 mm CNC M6 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

Stainless steel lead screws from M8 stainless steel lead screws & anti-backlash delrin nuts
stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
190 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
295 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
395 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
495 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
595 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
795 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
190 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
190 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
295 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
295 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
395 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
395 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
495 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
495 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
595 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
595 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut- 3 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
795 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 2 sets

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
795 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw & delrin nut - 3 sets

Quality range of anti-backlash delrin nuts from Anti-backlash delrin nuts
Quality miniature M6 anti-backlash delrin nut
€9.70 free shipping

Quality miniature M8 anti-backlash delrin nut
€9.70 free shipping

Quality standard M8 anti-backlash delrin nut
€10.20 free shipping

Quality standard M10 anti-backlash delrin nut
€10.60 free shipping

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
Quality miniature M6 anti-backlash delrin nut - 3 pieces
€13.70 free shipping

Quality miniature M6 anti-backlash delrin nut - 2 pieces
€11.70 free shipping

Quality miniature M8 anti-backlash delrin nut - 3 pieces
€13.70 free shipping

Quality miniature M8 anti-backlash delrin nut - 2 pieces
€11.70 free shipping

Quality standard M8 anti-backlash delrin nut - 3 pieces
€15.60 free shipping

Quality standard M8 anti-backlash delrin nut - 2 pieces
€12.70 free shipping

Quality standard M10 anti-backlash delrin nut - 3 pieces
€16.80 free shipping

Quality standard M10 anti-backlash delrin nut - 2 pieces
€13.50 free shipping

Compact Flange Bearings

Miniature 6 mm bore flange bearing

Compact 8 mm bore flange bearing

Compact 10 mm bore flange bearing

Miniature 6 mm bore oval flange bearing

Compact 8 mm bore oval flange bearing

Compact 10 mm bore oval flange bearing

Special multiple packs with reduced pricing & shipping
Miniature 6 mm bore flange bearing - 2 pieces

Miniature 6 mm bore flange bearing - 3 pieces

Compact 8 mm bore flange bearing - 2 pieces

Compact 8 mm bore flange bearing - 3 pieces

Compact 10 mm bore flange bearing - 2 pieces

Compact 10 mm bore flange bearing - 3 pieces

Miniature 6 mm bore oval flange bearing - 2 pieces

Miniature 6 mm bore oval flange bearing - 3 pieces

Compact 8 mm bore oval flange bearing - 2 pieces

Compact 8 mm bore oval flange bearing - 3 pieces

Compact 10 mm bore oval flange bearing - 2 pieces

Compact 10 mm bore oval flange bearing - 3 pieces

M8 stainless steel polished lead screws
stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
190 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
295 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
395 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
495 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
595 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw

stainless steel lead screws and anti-backlash delrin nuts
795 mm CNC M8 stainless steel lead screw